Hypro Guardian Air Twin Lilac Polymer Spray Tip 110° Rated @ 0.25 GPM 40 PSI | Hypro | Farmer Bob's Parts

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Hypro Guardian Air Twin Lilac Polymer Spray Tip 110° Rated @ 0.25 GPM 40 PSI GAT110-025

Was: $16.82
Now: $10.15
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GAT110-025 GuardianAIR Twin 110° Spray Tip.
Comes with Fast Cap, tip, strainer, gasket.
0.25 GPM @ 40 PSI; Tapered flat fan pattern.
30-115 PSI pressure range.
Polyacetal Material.

Pentair Hypro GuardianAIR Twin spray nozzles are the best choice for high-coverage applications where on-target spray delivery is important. They are ideal for low crops with complex canopies, such as vegetables, where thorough coverage of the target and protection of the surroundings are of high importance.

  • High-coverage forward and rear-facing fans provide coverage on both sides of target.
  • FastCap complete includes nozzle, cap, gasket and is available with or without a filter.
  • Integrated strainers are matched to the nozzle size to prevent over-straining or plugging.


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